Cindy left a comment on The Prayer Notes blog click for the post "In hope, rejoicing...In Tribulation, enduring...In...":
Dear Barb: Technology is great..We are able to communicate overseas with each other via Internet and better yet skype…In real time with family & friends.Communication is critical to us here on the field in the DR. We depend on it to coordinate flight schedules and immediate missionary needs to the Agape home base in Venice.
Thanks be to God for Agape Flights and all of you there that work so diligently to "juggle" flight schedules & deal with mechanical difficulties to meet missionary needs personally and for the people who depend on them.
As Christmas approached I witness first-hand how God has blessed us through Agape. The joy that each parcel brings, no matter how big or small, is received with such excitement by our members.
Its not about the box - its about love. Feeling love, knowing love that comes wrapped in a present.Hum...I meditate on "tiny present" "love”…I think of us learning Spanish…hum…Translate that for me to English -please? Ok let's translate Love: Love came down on Christmas in the form of a "tiny baby" Jesus Christ - the greatest gift of all!
THANKS CINDY...your words could not just be left in an obscure comment box!
Tom and Cindy have been supporters of Agape Flights for the last ten years as volunteers and now they are Agape Flight's Field Directors in the Dominican Republic as a full time mission…and a big step…they are learning Spanish!
For further information about Tom and Cindy’s ministry serving missionaries click on AGAPE FLIGHT's Blog for the posting from earlier this year.
If you would like to send encouragement to Cindy and Tom you can through AGAPE or directly to their email address-
Tom and Cindy have been supporters of Agape Flights for the last ten years as volunteers and now they are Agape Flight's Field Directors in the Dominican Republic as a full time mission…and a big step…they are learning Spanish!
For further information about Tom and Cindy’s ministry serving missionaries click on AGAPE FLIGHT's Blog for the posting from earlier this year.
If you would like to send encouragement to Cindy and Tom you can through AGAPE or directly to their email address-
Agape Flights is not just a ministry in Haiti and the Dominican Republic...we minister to each other right here on the West Coast of Florida...Venice, Tampa, Bradenton, Sarasota, Englewood, Arcadia with our sharing and caring. Pass THE GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST this Christmas Season...and may GOD BLESS the NEW YEAR!